what does it mean to hail from somewhere
cheer, salute, acclaim: hail, Caesar; attract: hail a cab; precipitation in the course of ice balls
Non to be confused with:
hale – healthy; robust; vigorous; audio: The old man is still hale and hearty.
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words past Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 past Mary Embree
hail i
1. Precipitation in the form of spherical or irregular pellets of ice larger than 5 millimeters (0.2 inch) in diameter, ordinarily associated with thunderstorms.
2. Something that falls with the force and quantity of a shower of ice and hard snow: a hail of pebbles; a hail of criticism.
five. hailed, hail·ing, hails
v. intr.
1. To precipitate in pellets of ice and hard snowfall.
2. To fall like hailstones: Condemnations hailed down on them.
five. tr.
To pour (something) downwards or forth: They hailed insults at me.
[Center English language, from Erstwhile English hægel, hagol.]
hail ii
(hāl)v. hailed, hail·ing, hails
five. tr.
a. To salute or greet.
b. To greet or acclamation enthusiastically: The crowds hailed the boxing champion.
2. To phone call out or yell in gild to catch the attending of: hail a cabdriver.
v. intr.
To signal or call to a passing ship as a greeting or identification.
i. The act of greeting or acclaiming.
ii. A shout made to catch someone's attention or to greet.
three. Hailing distance: told me to stay within hail.
Used to limited a greeting or tribute.
hail from
To come or originate from: She hails from Texas.
[Middle English language heilen, from (wæs) hæil, (be) good for you; come across wassail.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English language Linguistic communication, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 past Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ane. (Physical Geography) small pellets of ice falling from cumulonimbus clouds when there are very strong ascent air currents
two. (Physical Geography) a shower or tempest of such pellets
three. words, ideas, etc, directed with force and in nifty quantity: a hail of abuse.
4. a collection of objects, esp bullets, spears, etc, directed at someone with violent strength
5. (Concrete Geography) (intr; with it as subject ) to exist the case that hail is falling
6. (often with: it as subject ) to fall or cause to fall as or similar hail: to hail criticism; bad linguistic communication hailed well-nigh him.
[Onetime English hægl; related to Erstwhile Frisian heil, Old Loftier German hagal hail, Greek kakhlēx pebble]
(heɪl)vb (mainly tr)
ane. to greet, esp enthusiastically: the crowd hailed the actress with joy.
two. to acclaim or acknowledge: they hailed him as their hero.
iii. to attract the attention of past shouting or gesturing: to hail a taxi; to hail a passing ship.
iv. (foll by: from) to be a native (of); originate (in): she hails from Republic of india.
due north
5. the human activity or an instance of hailing
6. a shout or greeting
7. distance beyond which one can attract attending (esp in the phrase within hail)
sentence substitute
(Poetry) poetic an exclamation of greeting
[C12: from Old Norse heill whole; see haleone, wassail]
ˈhailer northward
Collins English Dictionary – Consummate and Entire, twelfth Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ane. to cheer, salute, or greet; welcome.
2. to acclaim; approve enthusiastically.
3. to call out to, as in guild to cease or to attract the attention of: to hail a cab.
v.i.4. hail from, to take as one'south place of birth or residence: My roommate hails from Indiana.
north.5. a shout or call to attract attention.
6. a salutation.
interj.7. (used as a salutation or acclamation.)
Idioms:within hail, within range of hearing; aural.
[1150–1200; Middle English hailen, 5. derivative of hail well, healthy < One-time Norse heill]
hail′er, north.
1. showery atmospheric precipitation in the form of irregular pellets or assurance of ice more than than ? in. (5 mm) in diameter, falling from a cumulonimbus cloud (disting. from sleet).
2. a shower or storm of such precipitation.
3. a shower of anything: a hail of bullets.
v.i.four. to pour downwards hail (ofttimes used impersonally with it as subject): It hailed all afternoon.
five. to fall or shower similar hail: Arrows hailed on the troops.
[before 900; Middle English; Old English hægl, c. Old High German hagel, Old Norse hagl]
Random Business firm Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 Grand Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
(hāl)Atmospheric precipitation in the form of rounded pellets of ice and hard snow that usually falls during thunderstorms. Hail forms when raindrops are blown up and down within a deject, passing repeatedly through layers of warm and freezing air and collecting layers of water ice until they are too heavy for the winds to keep them from falling.
The American Heritage® Student Scientific discipline Dictionary, 2nd Edition. Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
a storm or shower of anything similar to hail. See besides fusillade.Examples: hail of bullets; of farewells; of atomic number 26 globes, 1667; of ice; of peas, 1728; of round shot, 1893; of shots.
Dictionary of Commonage Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
By participle: hailed
Gerund: hailing
Imperative |
hail |
hail |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend:
Substantive | 1. | hail - precipitation of ice pellets when there are stiff rising air currents downfall, precipitation - the falling to world of any grade of water (rain or snow or hail or sleet or mist) hailstone - pocket-size pellet of ice that falls during a hailstorm |
ii. | hail - many objects thrown forcefully through the air; "a hail of pebbles"; "a hail of bullets" object, physical object - a tangible and visible entity; an entity that tin can cast a shadow; "information technology was full of rackets, balls and other objects" | |
3. | hail - enthusiastic greeting greeting, salutation - (ordinarily plural) an acknowledgment or expression of good will (especially on meeting) | |
Verb | 1. | hail - praise vociferously; "The critics hailed the immature pianist every bit a new Rubinstein" acclamation, herald applaud - limited approval of; "I applaud your efforts" |
ii. | hail - exist a native of; "She hails from Kalamazoo" come be - accept the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); "John is rich"; "This is not a good answer" descend, derive, come - come from; exist connected by a relationship of claret, for example; "She was descended from an one-time Italian noble family"; "he comes from humble origins" | |
3. | hail - telephone call for; "hail a cab" send for, telephone call - order, request, or command to come up; "She was called into the director's role"; "Call the police!" | |
4. | hail - greet enthusiastically or joyfully herald greet, recognise, recognize - express greetings upon meeting someone | |
5. | hail - precipitate as small ice particles; "It hailed for an hour" come up down, precipitate, fall - fall from clouds; "pelting, snow and sleet were falling"; "Vesuvius precipitated its peppery, destructive rage on Herculaneum" |
Based on WordNet three.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. acclaim, honour, acknowledge, cheer, applaud, glorify, exalt hailed equally the greatest American novelist of his generation
acclaim condemn, criticize, boo, hiss, jeer
2. salute, telephone call, greet, address, welcome, speak to, shout to, say hullo to, accost, sing out, halloo I saw him and hailed him.
salute cutting (informal), avert, ignore, snub
hail from somewhere come from, exist born in, originate in, be a native of, accept your roots in The ring hail from Glasgow.
2. shower, rain, tempest, bombardment, volley, barrage, bombardment, pelting, downpour, salvo, broadside The victim was hit by a hail of bullets.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Linguistic communication – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
hail 1
nounA concentrated outpouring, as of missiles, words, or blows:
hail 2
verbone. To arroyo for the purpose of speech:
two. To address in a friendly and respectful way:
3. To pay tribute or homage to:
acclaim, gloat, eulogize, exalt, extol, glorify, honour, laud, magnify, panegyrize, praise.
four. To take every bit one'southward abode or identify of origin:
An expression, in words or gestures, marker a meeting of persons:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Visitor. All rights reserved.
بَرَدطَريقة قَديمَة للتَّحِيَّه هُتاف، تَحِيَّه، تَرْحيب وابِلٌ منيُرَحِّبُ بِ
kroupy krupobití padat pozdravit přivítat
hagl hylde praje regn hagle
rakeet tervehtiä tervehtiä huudahtamalla kutsua rae
grad klicati tuča
jégeső jégszem
fagna, heilsa gera haglél hagl, haglél heill sé òér heilsa
呼び止める 雹
묘사하다 우박
birt birums krusa pasludināt sveiciens
buď pozdravený krúpa krupobitie padajú krúpy privítať
hagel hell stoppa
โห่ร้องอวยชัย ลูกเห็บ
hoan hô mưa đá
1 [heɪl]
hail downwardly Half-dozen + ADV (fig) → llover
2 [heɪl]
B. EXCL (archaic, poet) hail Caesar! → ¡ave or save, César!
the Hail Mary → el Ave f María
1. (= acclaim) → aclamar (as como) to hail sb as king → aclamar a algn (como) rey
D. 6 to hail from [person] → ser natural de, ser de
he hails from Scotland → es (natural) de Escocia
where does that send hail from? → ¿de dónde es ese barco?
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
[bullets, stones, missiles] → pluie f ; [criticism, corruption] → avalanche f
(= acclaim, praise) to be hailed as sth [person, event, piece of work of art] → être acclamé(e) comme qch
to hail sb/sth as sth → acclamer qn/qch comme qch
(= call) [+ person] → héler; [+ taxi] → héler
Collins English language/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
half-dozen a ship hailing from London → ein Schiff nt → mit (dem) Heimathafen London; where does that boat hail from? → was ist der Heimathafen dieses Schiffs?; they hail from all parts of the world → sie kommen or stammen aus allen Teilen der Welt; where do y'all hail from? → wo stammen Sie her?
interj (obs, liter) hail (to) … → sei gegrüßt, … (liter); hail Caesar → heil dir Cäsar; the Hail Mary → das Ave Maria
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Entire 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
1 [heɪl]
2 [heɪl]
2. excl (one-time) (liter) hail, Caesar! → ave, Cesare!
4. vi where does that ship hail from? → qual è il porto di provenienza di quella nave?
he hails from Scotland → viene dalla Scozia
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(heil) nouni. small balls of water ice falling from the clouds. At that place was some hail during the rainstorm last night. hael بَرَد град chuva de granizo kroupy der Hagel hagl χαλάζι granizo rahe تگرگ rakeet grêle ברד ओलावृष्टि tuca jégeső hujan es hagl, haglél grandine あられ 우박 kruša krusa ketulan hujan batu hagel hagl grad ږلۍ، ګلۍ ( ژلۍ جلۍ saraiva grindină град krúpy toča grad hagel ลูกเห็บ dolu 冰雹 град اولے trận mưa đá 冰雹
ii. a shower (of things). a hail of arrows. stortvloed وابِلٌ من град saraivada krupobití der Hagel byge; regn καταιγισμός lluvia rahe هر چیز تگرگ مانند sade pluie מָטָר שֶׁל बौछार kiša (necega) zápor hujan hríð, skæðadrífa grandine 雨あられと降るもの 빗발 kruša birums; krusa hujan stortvloed regn, skur grad ږلۍاوريدل، ژلۍاورول saraivada ploaie поток, град krupobitie ploha pljusak regn, skur, hagel ลูกเห็บตก ...yağmuru 一陣(東西) град بوچھاڑ hàng loạt (雹子般的)一阵
verbto shower hail. It was hailing as I drove habitation. hael يَنْزِلُ البَرَد بِغَزارَه вали град chover granizo (kroupy) padat hageln hagle ρίχνει χαλάζι granizar rahet sadama تگرگ باریدن sataa rakeita grêler לָרֶדֶת בָּרָד पुकारना padati (tuca), obilno padati jég(eső) esik berhujan es gera haglél grandinare あられが降る 싸라기눈(우박)이 내리다 kristi (apie krušą) (par krusu) birt hujan batu hagelsteen hagle padać ږلۍاوريدل cair saraiva a bate grindină идёт град padať (krúpy, ľadovec) padati (toča) padanje grada hagla ลูกเห็บตก dolu yağmak 下冰雹 вживається в безособових зворотах: іде град اولے برسنا mưa đá 下雹子
ˈhailstone substantivea ball of hail. Hailstones battered against the window. haelsteen حَبَّة بَرَد зърно от град granizo kroupa das Hagelkorn hagl κόκκος χαλαζιού granizo, piedra rahetera دانه تگرگ rae grêlon כָּדוּר בָּרָד ओला zrno tuce jég(eső)szem batu es hagl, haglél chicco di grandine あられの粒 싸라기눈 krušos kruopelė krusas grauds ketulan hujan batu hagelsteen hagl kulka gradu ږلۍ( دانه granizo grindină, piatră градина krúpy zrno toče grad hagel ลูกเห็บ dolu 冰雹 градина اولا، ژالہ cục mưa đá 雹子
(heil) verb1. to shout to in order to concenter attention. We hailed a taxi; The captain hailed the passing ship. voorkeer, praai [] يُنادي، يَدْعو من بَعيد повиквам chamar přivolávat; zdravit (voláním) rufen, grüßen praje; råbe an φωνάζω llamar hüüdma صدا زدن kutsua héler לִקרוֹא לְ- पुकारना dozivati (oda)kiált (vkinek) memanggil kalla til/{{DP}}á chiamare 大声で呼ぶ 소리쳐 부르다 šūktelėti, sveikinti sveicināt; sveikt; uzsaukt menjerit aanroepen rope, praie wołać, pozdrowić هر کلیکول chamar a striga, a chema окликать privolať; pozdraviť (volaním) (od daleč) ustaviti, poklicati pozvati kalla på, hejda เรียก el kol sallayarak çağırmak 大聲招呼(以引起注意) окликати, гукати چیخ کر توجہ دلانا gọi tàu hoặc taxi 招呼
2. to greet or welcome (a person, thing etc) equally something. His discoveries were hailed as a swell pace forward in medicine. begroet, verwelkom يُرَحِّبُ بِ поздравявам saudar pozdravit, přivítat bejubeln hylde χαιρετίζω llamar tervitama گرامی داشتن tervehtiä saluer לְהַכרִיז עָלָיו כ- स्वागत, अभिवादन pozdraviti, s veseljem docekati üdvözöl menyambut fagna, heilsa salutare 歓呼で迎える 환영하다 sveikinti pasludināt sambut begroeten, verwelkomen hilse, hylle powitać قدر وركول saudar a întâmpina, a saluta приветствовать pozdraviť, privítať pozdraviti pozdraviti hälsa, hylla, välkomna ทักทาย kabul etmek, tanımak 被譽為 вітати گرمجوشی سے پزیرائی کرنا hoan nghênh 赞扬(或称颂)…为
nouna shout (to concenter attention). Requite that ship a hail. roep, praai هُتاف، تَحِيَّه، تَرْحيب извикване grito zavolání der Gruß anråb φωνή grito hüüe فریاد برای جلب توجه huuto appel קריאה पुकार dozivanje (oda)kiáltás seruan hróp grido di saluto* 叫び声 외치는 소리 šūksnis, šūktelėjimas sveiciens; uzsauciens pekikan aanroep rop, praiing powitanie, okrzyk هر کلیکول grito chemare; salut оклик; приветствие zavolanie klic povik anrop, rop ร้องเรียก seslenme (為引起注意)大聲招呼 оклик چیخ tiếng gọi 招呼
interjectionan quondam word of greeting. Hail, O King! Heil! طَريقة قَديمَة للتَّحِيَّه привет relieve! buď pozdraven Heil! hil! χαίρε! (επιφ.) salve ole tervitatud! درود tervehdys salut בִּרכַּת שָׁלוֹם जय हो zdravo! živio! üdv! salam heill sé þér save!, ave! 万歳 만세 būk pasveikintas! sveikas! sveiks! Daulat heil Heil!; Vær hilset! Witaj! درود save! salut(are)! привет! buď pozdravený pozdravljen pozdrav hell! var hälsad! คำอุทานแสดงการต้อนับ selâm (向王者)致敬的古語 здрастуй! اطاعت کے اظہار کا نعرہ chào (古语)万岁!
hail fromto come from or belong to (a place). He hails from Texas. kom van يأتي من، يَكون أصلُه من идвам от ser oriundo de pocházet z herkommen von komme fra; stamme fra κατάγομαι από ser oriundo/natural de pärit olema زاده محل بخصوصی بودن olla kotoisin jstk être originaire de מְגִיע מְ- से आना, का रहने वाला dolaziti iz, biti podrijetlom vhová való berasal vera frá venire da ~の出身である ...출신이다 būti kilusiam iš nākt (no kādas vietas) berasal zijn van, zijn uit, stammen van, stammen uit stamme/komme fra pochodzić z په مخصوص محل كي زيږيدلي ser oriundo de a fi (originar) din быть родом из pochádzať z prihajati iz poticati iz vara från, höra hemma เป็นถิ่นกำเนิดหรือถิ่นที่อยู่ ...-li olmak, ...-den gelmek 來自 бути родом з کسی جگہ کا باشندہ ہونا đến từ (một nơi) 来自
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ بَرَد, يَهْتِف ب chválit, kroupy hagl, hylde Hagel, zurufen χαιρετίζω, χαλάζι aclamar, granizo rakeet, tervehtiä huudahtamalla grêle, grêler klicati, tuča acclamare, grandine 呼び止める, 雹 묘사하다, 우박 hagel, toejuichen hagl, hagle grad, powitać granizo, saudar град, провозглашать hagel, stoppa โห่ร้องอวยชัย, ลูกเห็บ dolu, dolu yağmak hoan hô, mưa đá 冰雹, 欢呼认可Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
Source: https://www.thefreedictionary.com/hails+from
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